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How to share GLO Data Plan Code Learn how to share your GLO data plan with friends and family with the GLO data share USSD code. Gl...

How to Share GLO Data Plan Code

How to share GLO Data Plan Code

Learn how to share your GLO data plan with friends and family with the GLO data share USSD code.
Glo data share
Glo data share

Code to share GLO Data Plan Glo data subscription.
Are you the type of person that will like to share your GLO data plan subscription with friends and family?
Well, GLO has made it possible by introducing the data share code so as to enable you do so.
You can only share if you Subscribed for the GLO monthly data plan.

What you need to Share Data

A mobile phone
A registered GLO SIM card
An active GLO monthly data plan
Your family or friends number whom you wish to share your data with

How to Share GLO Data Plan

Dial *777#
You will be Given options to choose from. First of all, dial 1. Buy Data plan
Secondly Choose 3. Share Data plan
Lastly, choose 1. Share.
Insert the phone number you want to share your data with.
You will be sent a success message that your data plan subscription has been shared.

Advantages of Data Share

With the data share, a family can use a single sim card to subscribe for a mega data plan and share it from anywhere in the world.
The data share service can also be used instead of the WiFi hotspot.
That is it on hot to Share GLO data subscription.

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